
North Marston CofE Primary School

Challenging each other to love learning and truly care. “Love never gives up “ 1 Cor. 13




A warm welcome from the Governing Body of North Marston School. Our role is to provide a strategic overview of what is happening in school and to support the Headteachers and Staff in making the school as effective and efficient as possible. Governors have a wide range of skills and work with Miss Brew on such matters as the curriculum, data, finance, health and safety, staffing and HR. The work of the board is ongoing but we meet as a full Governing Body six times a year (twice per term). Three of these meetings are assisted by a clerk who helps us to keep up to date with legislation and current matters and the other three are strategic meetings to share progress and plan for the future. We also have two committees and you can find out more about our individual governors on out “Meet the Governors” page.

Curriculum Committee – Chair Rachael Johns – meets once termly

This committee looks at the implementation of the curriculum in school and studies data to identify where improvements and changes can be made to benefit the pupils.

Membership:  Rachael Johns (Chair)

                           Sarah Brew

                           Steph Reddington

                           Emma Ehren

                           June Heath




Management Committee – Chair Rachael Johns – meets once termly

This committee looks at the more administrative functions including finance, health and safety, human resources and premises to ensure that the school is being run as efficiently as possible.

Membership:     Rachael Johns (Chair)

                          Sarah Brew

                          Katherine du Plessis

                          Emily Betts

                          Simon Hall



Minutes of all meetings are available from the school office and Governors can be contacted if necessary via the school office.

The Governing Body is also required to publish details of any business or personnel interest in the school that might present a conflict of interest. Currently we have the following disclosures:

Mrs Rachael Johns is Chair of Governors at Steeple Claydon School.





                                                                  Katherine du Plessis

                                                                   Chair of Governors
