
North Marston CofE Primary School

Challenging each other to love learning and truly care. “Love never gives up “ 1 Cor. 13

Welcome to Year 2

PE will be on Mondays and Wednesdays this term.

Welcome to our Year 2 class page. Here you will find various information to support you and your child during Year 2.

Home Learning Tasks Summer Term

Curriculum Letter - Autumn Term

Topic Map Autumn Term

Home Learning in Year 2

Home learning in Year 2 in the Spring Term consists of spellings, reading, Mathletics and TTR. Please see below for a breakdown of what is required for each of these. 


As reading is invaluable to your child's education, please continue to develop their love for reading through sharing their reading book with them at home. Every child will take home a reading for pleasure book which are not for the teaching of reading, they may be above or below your child's reading level. Your child will have free choice of a book they want to share with you, the focus is on sharing and enjoying a book above reading fluency. 

If your child remains on phonics interventions - they will have a log in for Collins eBooks where each week they I will set 2 books to read that are matched to the phonics they are working on in school. The website link can be found in the useful links section at the top of the page. These are funded by the school and free for you to access as a brilliant way to support your child's development in phonics. 

The log ins are as follows with the child's name:

Username - FirstnameLastnameuknomps (e.g. JoeSmithuknomps)

Password - Reader22

All children will now be sent home with a school reading book from our phonics scheme that is suited to their level. This book will have been read at school with your child at least once. Please read this 3 times at home then we can change this book. Please use the comprehension questions at the back of the book when reading with your child.



From spring term children that have finished the phonics scheme will receive a spelling grid. This lists 6 sets of words for the children to work through. They will be tested on 1 set of the words on Wednesdays and correct words are crossed off. If they miss any words, they then have the chance Friday to re-do these words to get them crossed off their grid. It is very important that your child brings their home spelling grid with them to school at the very least every Friday, but ideally every day, as otherwise it will be difficult for you at home to know what words to practise with your child without knowing which ones have been crossed off and which have not. 



Your child will get the chance to use Mathletics during morning tasks and the topics they access will be monitored by staff. Please use this resource at home to consolidate learning. 


Times Tables Rockstars

Children now have access to Times Tables Rockstars in order for them to practise their times tables knowledge. They access this using their log in, and will find tables set for them under Garage. This will consider the 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s which are the only times tables taught to children in Year 2. However, if your child would like a challenge there is access to the rest of the site to practise other times tables. 


If you have any queries at all about home learning expectations, please speak to Mrs Marsland.


Useful Links

